arts entertainment culture

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Goddard Cartoons Exhibition

Monday 5 Jun 2023 to Friday 30 Jun 2023

Clive was born in Berkshire at the very beginning of the swinging sixties but managed to miss all the swinging by being at school and by being in Berkshire.

As soon as Clive was old enough to hold a crayon he decided he wanted to be a gag cartoonist, inspired by Roland Fiddy whose cartoons he grew up with in the otherwise earnest ‘Look & Learn’ magazine. Blessed with generous parents, Clive was hurriedly furnished with a copy of ‘How to be a Cartoonist’ by Walter T Foster which he studied thoroughly despite it being about 40 years out of date.

At 19 Clive was hired by the Newbury newspaper to produce a strip that could be about any local issue so long as it wasn’t contentious or funny then a mere thirty years later he finally sold his first cartoon to a national publication. It was Private Eye and the joke was about BSE; a nasty livestock disease but an excellent source of humour.

Since then Clive has had regular spots in Private Eye (Gogglebollox) the New Statesman, Zoo, Fortean Times and the Sun on Sunday. He has made appearances in most other UK publications and a few in the US (including Playboy) and drawn commissions for the BBC, OUP, Specsavers and many others.

Clive has also illustrated numerous cards for Paperlink, t shirt designs for Red Molotov and over 30 non-fiction titles for Scholastic.

He's currently chair of the PCO, married and live in Oxford with his wife and an ever diminishing number of children.

This exhibition showcases signed prints of his most popular cartoons, which are available to buy alongside his other merchandise.