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Ticket Information

FREE in the Nourish cafe!


Didcot Café Scientifique

Tuesday 21 Jan 2025 7:00pm

Tags: Talks

Didcot First has been organising the Didcot Café Scientifique since 2010, to share the fantastic, innovative work and science that is happening both locally at Harwell Campus, Rutherford Laboratory, Culham Science Centre and MEPC Milton Park and across Oxfordshire.

The goal is to bring local people together in person with experts, to hear more detail about some of the groundbreaking research and product developments right here on our doorstep.

Talks are currently taking place on the third Tuesday of the month starting at 7.30pm, with different speakers each time and we encourage suggestions for new speakers. 

Please email: to join the mailing list or to propose future speakers.

Upcoming dates:​​

  • January 21st - Increasing Cyber Resilience of Space Infrastructure with Jessie Hamill-Stewart